The Free-Motion Quilting Idea App!

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Oh my goodness the day has finally come when I can say that my Free-Motion Quilting Idea App has launched! Pinching myself! Then pinching myself again! It is a companion piece to the book and the sampler of the same name and it is all new in the App Store for your iPad and iPhone. (An android version is to follow – I don’t have a date yet.)

The Free-Motion Quilting Idea App on the iPad


The Free-Motion Quilting Idea App on the iPhone


As many of you know, The Free-Motion Quilting Idea Book is a reference tool – to keep by your machine and spark your imagination. It is comprised of drawings that show you, step-by-step, how to form many different free-motion patterns and then apply them to blocks, sashing, and borders. It is a reference tool to keep by your machine, really. If you can do just a few free-motion patterns you CAN do custom-style quilting. I really believe that. If I can do it you can too!


The App builds further expands that concept, showing you step-by-step through, through animation and video, how to form the basic allover designs that all the designs in the book were based upon. In the app you can actually see each of the allover patterns animated and many of them stitched out by me on the BERNINA Q Series!



On the app you can actually see this paisley design being drawn out!


Or you can watch me quilt it on a video…
Or you can watch me quilt it on a video…

I want to thank for C&T and BERNINA for making this project a reality. Seriously, I could have never ever done with with the help and support of these fantastic companies. All the filming was done at BERNINA USA headquarters in Chicago with an amazing and the entire thing was put together by the wonderful people at C&T Publishing, who had the vision to believe in the project in the first place.  And I want to thank you guys out there for your enthusiastic reception of The Free-Motion Quilting Idea Book – quilters are amazingly creative and generous people.

The Video Library

To find the App you can search the App store or use my affiliate link by clicking here.


If you are interested in being part of my Facebook group for people who are getting inspiration from the book, app, and/or the companion sampler, please join us!

I hope you really love the App!

Happy New Year and happy quilting!


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