Book Giveaway and Quilting Plans

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Hi everyone,

Just a short post to announce that C&T has to new little books coming out – Make Precut Quilts and Make Table Runners.  That have projects from a variety of authors, including myself.  I thought we’d have a fun little giveaway to celebrate!


Enter by going over to instagram and searching for “AMANDAMURPHYDESIGN”.  Follow me and leave a comment at the bottom of the picture of the books, ok?  No need to regram or anything.  I’ll choose a couple winners randomly at the end of this weekend.

Also, just a heads up that we’re starting to talk about quilting plans for Feathers and Flourishes and Sewing Room quilts in my Free-Motion Quilting Idea Group on Facebook.  The first quilting plan I’m giving out FREE is Flourishes.  (You have to purchase the pattern to make the actual quilt though.)  You can find the PDF that explains it on my downloads page, but I’ll answer questions over in my Facebook group, ok?  Membership is free, but please make sure I can see that you are a quilter by previewing your page so I can approve the membership.


Hope you have a really fantastic weekend!

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